Saturday, February 6, 2016

6 February 2016: Jam and Biscuit's me,

 I found this online and I thought it would be really cool to do:

 I'm not a huge fan of this ship, they are adorable as best friends, and I think they make  a really stable, sweet couple, but they don't have much chemistry.That's my opinion, maybe the relationship would be better if the two were older, (how much chemistry are pre-treens going to have, really) considering they are both younger than 16 years old, I believe Steven is fourteen or fifteen and Connie is 12 and 3/4. 
   Without further ado: 

 1. Who's the cuddler: I'd say Steven is, to me Steven is more affectionate than Connie, he is naturally maternal and sensitive, and I think he would be a super cuddler. In bed, Connie would be the big spoon and Steven the little spoon. 

2. Who makes the bed: Connie. Steven is kind of messy, his room is "warm" and lived in, Connie would be more hygienic and have a room kept up like a professional, and a house like a Home Gardens magazine. 

3. Who wakes up first: I think Connie would wake up last, yes she is an over-achiever, and you would think that would mean she would be up at the crack of dawn to practice an instrument or go out for a run, but I think she over-achieves for her family, and underneath Connie has always wanted to be able to sleep in because she isn't a morning person at all. Steven would be up at the crack of down, looking over the warp pad, making coffee and breakfast, watching the news. 

4. Who has a weird taste in music: I actually like Steven's taste in music, I think Connie would have the weird taste in music. "According to Matt Burnett, the writer of Connie Maheswaran, she is of Indian Heritage" (Connie's wiki page), I think Connie would be into Indian Indie music, or Indian rock music, something related to her heritage that is far from the mainstream. 

5. Who is more protective: This is a hard one because they are both pretty protective, in the episode "Full Disclosure" Steven sang the song where he talks about how he wants to protect Connie from the things in his life that could go wrong, he thinks she doesn't need that in her life, she doesn't need him. And Connie just wants to be apart of his universe, she wants to protect him, in "Sworn to the Sword" Pearl teaches Connie how to become a master sword fighter and be Steven's knight. Connie wants to be able to fight alongside Steven and protect him too. I think Steven is more protective than Connie, though. To me, Connie feels like Steven is more than capable of protecting himself, maybe she's envious of that too, but Steven might think that gems, who have magic, could easily hurt Connie and would want to be even more hyper-vigilant that she stays safe.

6. Who sings in the shower: I think Steven would sing in the shower, he's very musically inclined and talented and sings a lot already. 

7. Who cries during movies: Steven, definitely Steven. In "Open Book" Connie's detailed description of her favorite and least favorite parts of the book series, The Spirit Morph Saga, clearly shows the difference between the two characters. While Connie hated the romantic fluff in the books, Steven adored it. Steven seems to be more in touch with his emotions and feelings than Connie is, so I think at a movie, Steven would be more likely to cry. 

8. Who spends the most time while out shopping: Connie, and not because she is a girl but because Steven tends to be a creature of habit, he wears the same shirt and pants, he gets the same thing at the Big Donut and the Beach City Fries (fry bits) in his life he pretty much makes his own decisions, lives on his own, and knows exactly what he wants and sticks to that. Connie, on the other hand, has had a lot of her decisions made for her by her parents, and I think that, even in something small like shopping, she is more prone to second guess herself and her likes or wants than Steven is.  

9. Who kisses more roughly: I think Connie would, to me Steven is a fluffy, warm, sensitive, gentle bear and I think kissing, or in something even more intimate like sex for example, he would be really gentle and sweet and Connie might be the more aggressive one. 

10. Who is more dominate: I think I answered this one in 9, but I think Connie would be more dominate. She's far more competitive than Steven is, and seems to take on the role of a action-based character while Steven is more of a passive-based character in regards to their relationship and what happens with them when they are together. 

My rating of the ship from 1-10:

(all images were found on google images and do not belong to me) 

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